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The Spectator on the Royal Commission

The British army’s complete lack of preparation for the Boer War is contrary to the myths which like to pretend it was a vast, behemoth of the thing, poised and ready on the borders of the republics, eager to invade. In reality, the army had made no preparations for the war which Kruger started on

When the myths are so stupid, you have to lie…

Throughout the decades of National Party rule, the myths of the Boer War went largely unchallenged in South Africa – but the times, they are a-changing, and the Apartheid-era fairy tales are finally being exposed as the rubbish they are. Seeing that time is running out for their nonsense of innocent victimhood, the last Defenders

Robert Tombs in the Sunday Telegraph

A very interesting myth-busting article in today’s Sunday Telegraph by Robert Tombs: If Oxfam is right about Empire, then where is my $1 million? Don’t trust the latest report about how the West is to blame for all the world’s ills. It doesn’t add up Why would Oxfam, a once-respected charity, publish a careless and ill

True Believer World Championships?

Though nothing was officially announced, it would seem some sort of World Championship to find the most fanatical True Believer of them all is underway. The ‘arena’ for this much-anticipated title clash is – of course – Facebook, and the last 48 hours has seen the various contestants trying to out-do one another, frantically coming