Excuses to ignore Ash…

Ever since I dared to challenge the Apartheid-era myths surrounding the Boer War, there have been those on the lunatic fringe who have frantically tried to silence me, dismiss my research, or otherwise ‘cancel’ me. Of course, one would have...

Battle Tours newsletter

I was recently sent a newsletter of a company called Battle Tours which, among other things, included events which had happened during the various months of April during the Boer War. Two caught my eye immediately: April 1900: Boer activity in...

‘Casualty aversion’

At the risk of stretching the comparison to breaking-point, there continue to be interesting parallels between Putin’s ongoing invasion of the Ukraine, and Kruger’s invasion of British territory back in 1899. Both embarked upon their ‘crusades’...

The RE Mounted Field Troop

One of the most enduring – and far-fetched – myths of the Boer War is the oft-spouted notion that the British infantry (resplendent in red coats and white shoulder belts, apparently) marched forwards, shoulder-to-shoulder, only to be effortlessly...