The Boer War Atlas

The only good thing to come out of the whole scamdemic / lockdown farce of the last few months is that, after 2 years of drawing maps, I have signed off on the final edit of my Boer War Atlas. It is now with the publisher and should be hitting the presses soon.

Here’s the blurb from the back cover:

This comprehensive military atlas covers every aspect of the Boer War in some 230 full-colour maps, diagrams and detailed ORBATs. Maps covering the conflict on a strategic, operational and tactical level guide the reader through each stage of the war, from Kruger’s invasions of Natal and Griqualand West, through the famous battles of the conventional period, to the vast ‘drives’ of the Guerrilla War phase which broke the back of the ‘Bittereinders’ and brought the war to an end. By showing where every operation and battle fitted into the bigger picture, the reader is able to understand how and why any given action was fought, and how the war was ultimately won by Lord Kitchener’s men.

Utilising standard NATO symbols to represent the various units involved, all the maps in this unique resource were drawn specially for the Atlas, and combine contemporary military maps with modern 1:50,000 survey maps to ensure unprecedented levels of accuracy and detail. A detailed time line helps explain how the war unfolded, and the maps are organised into sections which cover the various fronts. The Atlas is also lavishly illustrated with contemporary photographs and drawings, as well as modern-day photographs to show how the battlefields look today, and to illustrate some of the many monuments erected to commemorate the men who fought and died.

Though some of the battles covered are well known, this work also provides detail on many others which – though major actions – are almost forgotten today. The operations and smaller battles of the long and bitter Guerrilla War are also exhaustively covered. Other maps depict the details of the vast lines of blockhouses which were constructed across hundreds of miles of South Africa, and the critical role these played in the latter stages of the conflict. Whether you are new to the war, or a well-read enthusiast, The Boer War Atlas is an indispensable guide to understanding how this highly mis-understood war was fought.

Of course, my entertaining little gaggle of detractors will fly into their normal manufactured faux outrage when they see it – ‘how dare Ash shatter our myths!?’.

More details to follow…


  • Chris Posted July 19, 2020 9:02 am

    Dear Bulldog

    A wonderful birthing

    Where , When , How much

    Signed copy please ….

    • Bulldog Posted July 19, 2020 9:52 am

      Where – hopefully in all good book shops… if there are still any after all this
      When – hopefully in the next couple of months
      How much – TBC

  • Gordon Posted March 23, 2021 3:19 pm

    Hello. I tried to get a copy following the publication date of 02/02/2021 but without success.I cannot find a bookshop which has the book for sale and some are now saying it will be published in May.
    What is the situation about availability ?


    Gordonmac1 MacBride

  • Gordon Posted March 23, 2021 3:21 pm

    Email should be.

    • Bulldog Posted March 23, 2021 3:38 pm

      Afternoon, Gordon – I’ll drop you an email.

  • Hamish Bell Posted July 29, 2024 10:43 am

    I received a copy from the kids for Christmas last year and it is a marvellous addition to the Boer War library. Thank you!

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