Financial Ruin… part 2

Further to my recent post, in which I showed that Great Britain was in no way, shape or form facing ‘financial ruin’ during the Boer War, I came across this chart: They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and I think this...

Financial Ruin…

A friend recommended that I read this article: I enjoyed the article and thought that he made some valid and interesting points. It is therefore...

Latest Quora entertainment

Some of the characters who lurk about on Quora are always good for a laugh, and a recent question provided a bit of amusement: Why did the British Empire fight the Boer War to then almost immediately grant the Boers self-government after its...

The Boer War Atlas

The only good thing to come out of the whole scamdemic / lockdown farce of the last few months is that, after 2 years of drawing maps, I have signed off on the final edit of my Boer War Atlas. It is now with the publisher and should be hitting...

Baden-Powell and Basil Fawlty

I have been watching with a mixture of disgust and anger as mobs of anarchist scum rampage through Britain’s cities, indulging in a looting and rioting binge ostensibly to ‘protest’ against the death of someone thousands of miles away (and who’s...

On this day in 1940…

11 June 1940 marked the start of the Siege of Malta, the longest siege in British military history. For the next two-and-a-half years, the tiny island would be hammered by more than 3,000 raids by Italian and German aircraft, but the Maltese...

The latest myth doing the rounds

The myths which are made-up to maintain the fiction that the Boers were in the innocent victims in the Boer War never cease to amuse me. I was recently told by someone on Quora that Kruger’s decision to pick a fight with the British Empire wasn’t...