A perfect description of Defenders of the Myth…
This sums up my haters perfectly:
This sums up my haters perfectly:
I am well aware there are some who are roll their eyes at my ‘revisionist history’, and who are enraged by my ‘modern-day claims’ of Kruger’s aim being ‘to build an Empire from the Zambesi to the Cape’. I mean, how dare this Jonny-come-lately...
Interesting article in the Daily Telegraph by Jeremy Black today: Vladimir Putin now faces a 1905-style national humiliation The sinking of the flag ship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet provoked a sense of deja vu among military historians...
Reported in the Telegraph today: Historian Andrew Roberts has been handed the “Book of the Year” prize for his George III: the Life and Reign of Britain’s Most Misunderstood Monarch by History Reclaimed, a group of 40 “anti-woke” academics...
Defenders of the Myth entertain me in so many ways, that it is sometimes hard to decide which is their most amusing feature. Could it be their complete and utter ignorance of South African history? Maybe it’s the way they will argue that black is...
‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it’George Santayana One of the fundamentals of military strategy is to pursue a clearly defined objective, or ‘main effort’. Diversionary attacks should be no more than that – ie...
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